Is it a coincidence that I watched Colleen's (or
PsychoSoprano on YouTube, she is hilarious so check her out!) video about her anger issues, and I experienced the same issues today? Without any reasons other than waking up on the wrong side of the bed, my tolerance levels were extremely low. My head recognised the issue, but couldn't do much to prevent my aggression towards inanimate objects (Watch Colleen's video
here). You know you have anger issues when you experience these scenarios:
- Blaming a jigsaw puzzle for not fitting together.
- Throwing an empty milk carton on the floor for having too much milk in your bowl.
- Blaming a mandarin for squirting juice on you (you were unaware of your great strength)
On a more cheerful note, I'm doing the 2014 Blogger Challenge! What is it, you ask?
Christmas is fast approaching which means 2014 is right around the corner.
The New Year is a time for resolutions and starting fresh, so why not start with a challenge to kick off the new year! I [Gaby] have come up with the #2014bloggerchallenge. The challenge is to write a blogpost twice a month about different topics. The #2014bloggerchallenge posts will go live during the 1st and the 3rd weeks of each month. Everyone who signs up will be sent an email with the post topics. The topic ideas are there to give you new ideas and encourage you to write about things you wouldn't normally write about.
Anyone can get involved, whatever your blog topic! Whether you write about cooking, beauty, lifestyle or fitness. What's in it for you I hear you ask? Well... If you participate in the #2014BloggerChallenge, you'll get more blog traffic, discover new blogs and make friends with bloggers you probably didn't even know existed!
All you have to do to get involved is leave a comment down below or email me [Gaby] ( with your blog URL, email address and name so I [Gaby] can add you to the list of participants.
Let's start 2014 with a bang and let's see how many of you we can get involved with this challenge!! (sign up closes on the 9th December 2013 when the first topic will be sent out).
Feel free to take the challenge!
Love, V